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Why The Search Engines Do Not Care About Your Website

The additional benefit is: now instead of simply having one (optimized) listing in the search engine, you end up with SEVERAL, many of them on the first page! None of them is even your site, but all of them are pages that lead people TO your website!

If you want to make your site into Google Top 10, then you need to follow some standard SEO techniques that not only increase your SERP but also enhance your web Page Rank. By consistently, following these Search Engine Optimization SEO tips you look natural and your site skyrockets into Google Top 10.

You can do that. Often I’ll just do an audio and then I’ll blend it with a picture and you turn that into a video, so you can go the other way in your SEO strategies. Or you can literally just read a post and then podcast it. It is great to get that sticky feel about it for your website. You have a lot of social proof; they can see that it’s been downloaded a thousand times so it really does help bring in that credibility. People keep coming back. That’s not going to hurt your search engine results.

As a guideline for choosing keywords, try to focus on more specific keywords in your niche. Choose keywords with less competition. This will tremendously help your website get found in search results. For example, say you’re selling shoes. “Shoes” is a general keyword that you’d have a really hard time popping up in search results for. Choose relevant keywords with less competition such as running shoes for men, women’s tennis shoes, dress shoes for prom night, sandals for the beach, kitchen clogs, children’s hiking boots, 2 inch pumps, petite high heels, etc. One thing you must be aware of is using name brands like Nike or Reebok. You could use them for organic search results, but for paid ad campaigns such as Google AdWords certain name brands are not allowed.

SEO news One of the ways to get this done is to use articles to obtain guest blogging opportunities. However, these opportunities are a lot like being published in the local papers. There are a lot of “no’s” and a person needs thick skin to find a person who will accept the author as a guest blogger. This is because any good will that the blog owner has generated is transferred to the other writer. This can seriously hurt the blog owner if the other person is not a stickler for quality at all. Therefore, there will always be a lot more “no’s” than “yes’s” when looking for publicity on the internet.

It is best practice to use the HTML tag around some keywords that are relevant to the page and that are listed in that page Meta keyword list. DO NOT use them everywhere and on every keyword as this will cause an overuse of the tags. Using it once or twice in a page or post is plenty. I recommend using the tag around a keyword that appears the most. DO NOT bold every single word i.e. if your keyword was ‘SEO’ and on the page you have SEO appearing 10 times, just make one bold which is enough.

It takes guts to run a publicity campaign because there is a lot of “no’s” in the industry. In fact, it is fair to say that a person will experience 90 to 95% “no’s” when trying to gain publicity for their business. This is because the reporters are only in the business of reporting news that is relevant and news worthy.

If you don’t have the keyword density wrongly or if you have a different keyword for your article, it displays your blog in completely wrong keyword. So keep the keyword that is relevant to your article, and have keyword density of 2-5%, which is good for SEO.

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The simple lifestyle tweaks to make to save thousands each year

A 25-year-old marketing manager with a net worth of more than $450k has shared the simple tweaks you can make that will save you thousands every year and millions by the time you retire.

Queenie Tan, from Sydney, said her financial success gradually accumulated after she started researching and investing when she was 19. 

Queenie now has a diverse financial portfolio after purchasing her first property in 2019 worth $500,000 with a $100,000 deposit. 

The 25-year-old recently shared a graphic that shows how two 25-year-old women earning $5,000 a month could end up with completely different figures by the time they are 65 years old – and it all comes down to how and where you’re saving. 

A 25-year-old marketing manager with a net worth of over $450k has shared the simple tweaks you can make with your pay cheque that will save you thousands (Queenie Tan pictured)

‘Small savings really do add up,’ Queenie told FEMAIL. 

‘The differences between Emma and Emily in this graphic might not look like much, but making tweaks like eating at home mostly instead of always eating out and living in a modest area instead of somewhere fancy mean the difference between being able to invest $800 per month, instead of $100.’

While Emma ends up with just $349,101 after investing $100 a month between age 25 and 64, Emily ends up with $2,792,806 after investing $800. 

The 25-year-old shared a graphic that shows how two 25-year-olds earning $5,000 a month could end up with completely different figures by the time they are 65 years old (pictured)

Queenie shared the simple tips she recommends to people who want to pocket an extra $10,000 per year.

‘Saving an extra $10,000 in one year sounds like a big goal that is unattainable, but when you break it down into smaller increments it can suddenly seem a lot more achievable,’ she said.

‘Monthly, $10,000 is $833.34, weekly it’s $192.31 and daily it’s just $27.40. 

‘Give yourself a “why” of how you want to achieve this, and then check back in with your goal regularly to check you’re on track.’

The first way you can save extra money is by checking your internet, electricity and phone bills are competitive, Queenie (pictured) said

1. Check your internet, electricity and phone are competitive

The first way you can save extra money is by checking your internet, electricity and phone bills are competitive. 


‘The average NBN for 20mbps/50mbps is $80 per month, whereas the cheaper NBN plans average just $60 per month,’ Queenie said.

‘By switching to the cheaper plan you can save an extra $240 per year.’


The second way in which you can save is by looking at your electricity provider.

‘The average household consumes 15,000kWh of electricity per year according to Red Energy,’ Queenie said.

‘The average cost for NSW electricity is $0.25, so this would cost $3,750.’

However, by reducing it to just $0.21/kWh, this would only cost you $3,150 and you could save an extra $600 per year.


Finally, website with general expenses, Queenie said you need to look at your phone bill:

‘The average Australian spends $36.25 per month for a post-paid SIM-only plan,’ Queenie said.

‘But there are some mobile phone providers who have plans for just $28 per month, and that’s a potential saving of $99 per year.’ 

2. Look at where you’re living

Potential saving = $9,600 per year 

While it might be nice to live in a fancier suburb or area, Queenie said that in the long term it can be a much better idea to live somewhere cheaper and save that cash for later.

‘The monthly rent for a 480sqft furnished studio in an expensive area is $2,620, whereas for the same size in a normal area it’s just $1,813,’ she said.

‘That’s a potential saving of $800 per month, or $9,600 per year and you haven’t even had to do anything.’

If you’re prepared to eat out slightly less and just three times per week instead of five times, Queenie said you can save a staggering $2,080 per year (pictured with her boyfriend)

3. Eat out less

Potential saving = $2,080 per year

Finally, Queenie revealed you can make big savings if you’re prepared to eat out slightly less.

The 25-year-old is a big fan of meal prepping and religiously brought her lunch to work when she was working in an office.

‘Eating out five times a week with a $20 cost per meal is equivalent to $5,200 per year,’ Queenie said

‘Whereas eating out three times a week with a $20 cost per meal is just $3,120 per year – saving you $2,080 in 12 months.’  

For more information about Queenie Tan, you can visit her Instagram page