Associated Press. Archived from the original on March 11, 2008. Retrieved April 11, 2011. The issue came to lawmakers’ attention after the Humane Society of the United States conducted a two-year investigation into a scam where they said hunters shot rare animals from around the world, then donated them to phony museums in order to get charitable tax deductions. Archived from the original on September 30, 2007. Retrieved April 19, 2011. The conditions that shocked the troopers were all too familiar to the man who led them on to Brown’s property, Frank McMahon (1926-1975), HSUS director of field services. Feld Entertainment sued HSUS and other animal-rights advocates and advocacy groups under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. This litigation was dismissed in 2009, with the judge finding that animal-rights groups had paid the key witness, a former Feld employee, at least $190,000, a significant amount of which was in a check signed by Mr. Pacelle. ACE designates as Standout Charities those organizations which they do not feel are as strong as their Top Charities, but which excel in at least one way and are exceptionally strong compared to animal protection society of durham charities in general. Read on to find descriptions of, and contact information for, the world’s most reputable wildlife conservation groups – one requirement for inclusion being that these organizations spend at least 80 percent of the money they raise on actual fieldwork, rather than administration and fundraising.
Only Charity Watch among all charity evaluation groups believes that organizations should not write off some of their fundraising costs as program expenses. The organization maintains a focus on particular financial measurements, strictly interpreting all direct mail, telemarketing and solicitation costs as separate fundraising expenses. §1830 is currently reserved for future use, and §1831 details the authorization of appropriations for expenses related to the enforcement of the provisions of the act. Other evaluators agree with the approach taken under Generally accepted accounting principles, which permit such joint allocation of expenses. Unlike the previous letter to the board of directors and the National Geographic story, the Nonhuman Rights Project also called out the Humane Society of the United States as the primary funder of Project Chimps. The organization’s policy statements make clear that the HSUS does not oppose all uses of animals, so it does not fit within the strict animal rights category of organizations from either a philosophical or a practical perspective; rather, it is classified that way by some parties because in everyday parlance, those individuals and groups that advocate for more protections for animals are described as supporting animal rights or being animal rights advocates.
Feld asserted HSUS wrongdoing in relation to litigation brought by animal rights activists against Feld alleging abuse of animals in the circus. The Eagles’ donation was made as part of the 2009 launch of its “Treating Animals With Kindness” (TAWK) program, which provides grants to animal welfare organizations to protect animals: HSUS received a $50,000 grant, used to launch anti-dogfighting and community intervention programs in Philadelphia. Unti, Bernard. “‘Concentration Camps for Lost and Stolen Pets’: Stan Wayman’s LIFE photo essay and the Animal Welfare Act”. The German Animal Welfare Act, 1972, is designed to enforce the utilitarian principle that there must be good reason for one to cause an animal harm and identifies that it is the responsibility of human beings to protect the lives and well-being of their fellow creatures. In response to the assessment, the whistleblowers said that the welfare reforms proposed by Ross can only be implemented under leadership that has chimpanzee experience; who command the respect of their staff and peers; and who instinctively prioritize the welfare of the animals. On November 30, 2020, an independent “Chimp Welfare Assessment” of the Project Chimps Sanctuary was made public. The results of the assessment corroborated whistleblower complaints about poor conditions at Project Chimps.
In August 2019, the Sultanate of Oman won the award for 2018-19 in Saudi Arabia, citing its project “Verifying the Age and Growth of Spotted Small Spots in the Northwest Coast of the Sea of Oman”. ACE stated that their primary concern with the Farm Animal Protection Campaign was that it was unclear the extent to which their budget comes from the HSUS general budget, and whether small donations to the Farm Animal Protection Campaign would be fungible with other HSUS activities. In July 2011, he lobbied on Capitol Hill for passage of the Animal Fighting Spectator Provision Act. In April 2011, Vick joined HSUS in denouncing the android App “Dog Wars”, which involved a simulation of animal fighting. Unti, Bernard. “Frank McMahon: The Investigator Who Took a Bite Out of Animal Lab Suppliers”. Unti, Bernard; Protecting All Animals: A Fifty-year History of the Humane Society of the United States (2004), idem. Initiative and Referendum History – Animal Protection Issues. The next step is the formation of a solid political base in order to generate effective legislative change, and thus the realization of animal law.